Saturday, August 18, 2007

O & P

Oh, dear. Not too many "O" items to photograph. Using an old photo.

Orange - a color I used to associate with the 70's, but now really like. Remember the orange phase? (1, 2, and 3)

Oreo's - another "once I start I can't stop" food

Organized - a trait that helps me (mostly) always find what I'm looking for.

Photography - I'm working on getting better at this

Peace - why can't everyone just get along?

Peonies - love 'em. Just look at my banner.

Penquins - we have an overflow of these in our house, since they're Josh's favorite animal. (this one blogged here)

Pincushions - my little collection is slowly growing

Phở - we went out for some last night. So yummy! (and cheap)


  1. What a cute penguin!!

    And I have to agree... why can't everyone just get along?

  2. love the penguin...and the oranges you made are all great. :)

  3. Love the oranges and the penguin. Not really a pho fan though.

  4. Your flower close ups are gorgeous!

  5. that penguin is really cute!

  6. you're doing really well with your encyclopedia of me - I was too much of a chicken to start one! I love visiting yours though as your photos are always so gorgeous.

  7. I am enjoying your alphabet and this post really got me excited; I want to learn how to make your little round orange. For years I have been meaning to figure out how to sew a ball. Yours looks especially delicious.

  8. Oh my goodness -- I just stumbled upon your blog when I was out and about looking for good project ideas. You have the cutest blog and your quilts and bags are beautiful! You've been added to my favorites so that I can find you again for reference. Thank you so much!
