Thursday, August 9, 2007


Gardening - something that rewards all the effort you put into it with beauty (and provides some deer nibbles...)

Gratitude - for a wonderful family and friends, and the luxuries afforded to us in this great country

Guacamole - goes with Avocados in the "A" post


  1. I'm enjoying reading the encyclopedia of yourself! Deer in the garden - wow, my kids would love it. We only get squirrels and racoons (and lots of birds).

  2. The photos of the deer are wonderful. I'm curious where you live that you have deer in a residential area. We haave deer all over our state but not in towns. Lucky you!
    I'm doing a GIVEAWAY later today after I take a photo of the item.

  3. Wow, I love the photos of your hungry visitor. I live out in the country where deer are everywhere, but I've never had one eating my flowers.
    Guacomole sounds really good right now.

  4. I have been craving avocados like crazy lately. When did they get so expensive?

  5. That looks familiar! To you ever run out and politely ask them to not eat the pretty ones? I do that and I'm sure my neighbors think I'm a little nutty.

  6. I can't believe how populated your neighborhood seems to be, and yet, the deer is there!

  7. Those are wonderful pictures! Love the deer!

  8. Nice to see some wildlife in the garden! Hope it didn't eat too many of the plants!! I'd agree on the guacamole!!

  9. I love how the deer is just helping herself! :) She doesn't seem too bothered by the fact that there are houses all around her!
