Monday, June 1, 2009

Geese in the Forest Month 5

Wow! It's that time again.

Block 5: Saplings
GITF BOM Block 5 - Saplings
We're making 28 of these!

Find the pattern here. (It's a PDF file, so you'll need Adobe Reader to open it.)
The .PDF file for Block 4's pattern is now available in the store for $1.

You can find all the details regarding this Block of the Month (and all the other block patterns) over here and a tutorial for freezer paper foundation piecing over here.

Back to work I go...


  1. Just wondering - what IS your mom going to do if you get the house all clean and in order? Aloha, Jo

  2. These are so gorgeous! And look at those perfect points. What a fun project!

  3. Í cant download it, it says the file is damaged and can't be repaired, it is just me?

  4. I love this quilt, it is definitely on the to-do list. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

  5. thanks for the new block! (i really really need to get on these. i'm slacking!)
