Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday Morning

You mean you didn't clean your fridge at 6am this morning?

And your wine doesn't co-exist with your chicken broth?

This is going to be my day, I'm afraid.
Clean the fridge, wash the dog, mow the lawn...


  1. What will you reward yourself with at the end of such a full day?

    Good luck with getting the nitty gritty done today, Anina.

  2. You might want to store you wine laying on it's side. This will keep the cork moist othewise it can dry out, crack and fall into the bottle. Ask me how I know....

  3. I know I'm weird. But I love cleaning the fridge and mowing the lawn! If you lived just a tiny bit closer, i'd have come do it for you. ;o) ooxx`jod

  4. Sounds like a PERFECT day to me -- wanna trade???

  5. oooh, i'm feeling guilty...i was supposed to clean the fridge at the house we're moving into today...skipped that task. can't get away from it though...some of the things in that fridge have been there since we left a couple of years ago. does mustard go bad?

  6. Maybe if you drink the wine while you do those things...?

    Get yourself some Trader Joe Margarita mix though, you'll never go back to that other stuff.
