Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Geese in the Forest Month 3

Yes, it's that time again!

Block 3: Triple Tree
GITF BOM Block 3 - Triple Tree
You only have to make 10 of these.

Find the pattern here. (It's a PDF file, so you'll need Adobe Reader to open it.)
The .PDF file for Block 2's pattern is now available in the store for $1.

You can find all the details regarding this Block of the Month over here.


  1. Super, now I know what I will do this evening.
    Even if I'm not ready with the second (oh dear, 15 to go). But it's better to do something else, because it's too boring. hihi
    Well, so let's start (printing)

  2. Thanks Anina. I’ll store the patterns for a later date! I’m working very hard on That Quilt! Phew...

  3. Thank you for this BOM. I am making it in many colors and really appreciate the patterns.

  4. so, you must not have heard that the world wildlife fund has banned making ANY kind of geese...being that the real geese are protesting, throwing a fit and just down right irritated that they are being copied in fabric...april fools..just thought maybe i could get a break since i'm behind in my geese production.

  5. A ban on reproducing geese, eh? Well, I can understand the geese want to reproduce themselves. Talk about taking away rights of geese!!!


    I love these geese, the trees and the idea of this block of the month. I'm thankful there are only 10 blocks this month, as I am really behind on March's assignment.

    I just haven't gotten to my sewing heaven to do any sewing at all. Vacation, etc., took a bit of time from that endeavor.

    Have a wonderful April Fool's Day!!

  6. i'm glad there are only 10 blocks this month! i'm way behind! thanks for the new block pattern. :)

  7. Only 10 works fabulous since all I've done for the 27 before is get the pieces cut! I must start sewing soon and catch up!!

  8. thanks for doing this for us....only 10 yippee!

  9. Thanks Anina! I just printed out the pattern for these 10 and am ready to get started. The blocks are stacking up - I am so excited to make this quilt and to see it finished.
