Saturday, February 7, 2009

And the winners are...

The random integer generator did its job...

...and the two winners of their choice of fabric from my store are:

Natasha and Lynn!
Please email me ASAP (twiddletails{at}gmail{dot}com) so I can get some fabric to you.


If you didn't win, remember that the 30% off coupon is still valid until Sunday.

On the random integer topic, maybe I'm just dumb but I've been manually counting down the comments one by one (over and over to make sure I have the right ones) to find the ones picked by the generator. Tonight I decided that there HAS to be an easier way. If you already have an easier way, don't read any further (just let me know how you do it...).

So here's what I did:
1. Open the comments window (just click where it says "xxx COMMENTS" at the bottom of the post).
2. Right click in the window and choose "Select All".
3. Right click again and select "Copy".
4. Open a new Excel worksheet, right click on the first cell, and select paste. You will now have all those names and comments in your worksheet looking like quite a mess.
(I have Excel 2007, so I'm not sure how the next bit will work in older versions but the functionality is there somewhere, I'm sure.)
5. Make sure the first column is selected. Go to the Data menu and click on the "Filter" option (it looks like a funnel). A little dropdown will appear in cell A1.
6. Click on the dropdown arrow and choose "text filters" and then "contains".
7. In the box, type "said..." or whatever appears after the commenter's name in your comments. Click "OK".
8. You should now have just the names of the commenters, e.g. "Stacy said..." in column A.
9. Select all the names in column A and copy to a new sheet.
10. Voila! You have all your commenters in the sequence they commented in and even with numbers to match up with your random integers.


  1. Congratulations to those lucky winners! Always fun to win fabric.

  2. Wow! Thank you! I am so excited! I am never going to be able to sleep tonight! Happy 400 again!

  3. Congrats to the winners! I was also doing the counting thing.
