Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's c-c-c-c-cold outside

Who says it doesn't snow in Seattle? OK, this is not exactly Seattle - we're at 500 feet above sea level, which is pretty much in the mountains around here, but still...
The power went out at 8pm, which called for a nice warm bath, a hot toddy, a little reading by candlelight "a la camping", and an early night.
This morning everything was covered in white.

I wonder if the hummingbirds will find this?


  1. Brr... It looks chilly! Hope you are staying warm!

    I like the new look to your blog by the way:)

  2. makes me cold just looking at the snow!

    off topic... yesterday you posted about donating your girl quilt to the RMH in Seattle... today via a prayer request I found a family that is staying at the RMH in Seattle. thought you might want to check their blog out. Their little girl is very sick. They could use the support.

    Thanks again for your donation!

  3. That's the kind of snow we had in Green Bay Saturday when we played Seattle.

  4. It makes me shiver. It really looks so cold! Love your new blog-header!!
