Monday, December 3, 2007

So what did you do this weekend?

I bet it wasn't as much fun as this!


  1. Brrrrrrr!
    I cccannnt sayyy mmmore.
    MMMy handddd's arrre shiverrrring in sympppathy.

  2. My husband came home yesterday from Texas USA with some delay because of a snowstorm in Detroit! We have been lazy like crazy, storytelling, catching up some sleep and lots of tea and chocolate!

  3. At first I thought they were ice skating! Haha.

  4. They were wearing shorts! Oh to be so young that you don't care.

  5. that looks like much more fun than puking your guts out like i was doing this weekend. (sorry to be gross...)

    congrats on sticking with the NaBloPoMo...or what ever the heck they call that. I admire you for making it through.

  6. so glad that we live in SC and no longer in NE Ohio. Don't miss the snow a BIT!!!

  7. Looks like fun to me - but we only get a small amount of snow every couple of years here! This year they're saying it's going to be really mild too, so probably won't see any! Em

  8. What an amazing soccer game. I'm sure they worked up lots of body heat from all the energentic running about. I do think it looks like grand fun but I don't live where it snows very often so it's still a romantic vision to me.

  9. It looks like fun until I stop to think about how cold it is! :)
