I really want to work on a temperature quilt this year! The last one I completed was back in 2021.
2022 and 2023 are in the beginning stages. I have tried to get them going again but ran into a huge obstacle.
When I downloaded historical data for these two years, the temperatures were completely different from the ones I had used when I was going day by day!
After some research I discovered that daily temperatures on weather.com are not measured from midnight to midnight but uses different times of the day. Although it is really easy to use, this site does not provide much historical data.
Most, if not all, sites where you can find historical data for an entire year, use the low and high in a 24-hour period from midnight to midnight.
HUGE problem!
All the blocks I have made for these two years are now incorrect.
I'm trying to figure out where to get current data that is reported midnight to midnight but, for now, be aware that, if you're making a quilt for the current year, verify that your source reports midnight to midnight, or be committed to not falling too far behind.
My dilemma now is whether to restart both 2022 and 2023 using the historical data I can find or just use the blocks from one of these and make a 2025 quilt.